Course Overview
When working in the data science field you will definitely become acquainted with the R language and the role it plays in data analysis. This course introduces you to the basics of the R language such as data types, techniques for manipulation, and how to implement fundamental programming tasks.
You will begin the process of understanding common data structures, programming fundamentals and how to manipulate data all with the help of the R programming language.
The emphasis in this course is hands-on and practical learning . You will write a simple program using RStudio, manipulate data in a data frame or matrix, and complete a final project as a data analyst using Watson Studio and Jupyter notebooks to acquire and analyze data-driven insights. No prior knowledge of R, or programming is required.
Areas of topics covered are as followings:
- Master statistics for machine learning
- Master Vectors, Lists & Dataframes
- Master statistics for machine learning
- Master linear & Logistics regression models
- Build Statistical models from scratch
- Perform post model building diagnostics
- Hand computation of statistical tests
- Master model insight generation skills
By the end of the program, participants will be able to:
- Manipulate primitive data types in the R programming language using RStudio or Jupyter Notebooks.
- Control program flow with conditions and loops, write functions, perform character string and date operations, and generate regular expressions.
- Construct and manipulate R data structures, including vectors, factors, lists, and data frames.
- Read, write, and save data files and scrape web pages using R.
Who Should Attend?
Students who have several years of experience with computing technology , including some aptitude in computer programming.
None, however knowledge of any programming language and core mathematics would be an added advantage
Course Outlines
- Datatypes & Data Structures
- Vectoriaztion & Case Study
- Create vector with a single element
- Create group of elements in a vector
- Use repetitions and sequence to create a vector fast
- Random and formatting numbers, rounding and sampling
- Approaches to filtering data
- Handling missing values
- Binning
- Operations within a vector, between same size or different vectors
- Revenue impact of Ad-campaign
- Set Operations
- Making assignments within ifelse
- Nested if-else
- Writing smarter For loops
- Break while repeat
- Memory pre-allocation tactics
- Why Dates cant just be strings
- Date operations
- Working with lubridate and anytime
- Introduction to lists
- Introduction to Dataframe
- Visual editing & various dataframe operations
- Inspecting and rownames
- Attributes and comments
- Native RDS files and Handling CSV, Xlsx, SAS & Stata files
- R datasets, packages and public datasets
- Useful data summarization function
- Conditional filtering and missing values
- Matrix vs dataframe
- Joining operations for dataframes
- Pivot and frequency table
- Grouping and case problem solution
- Base Graphics basics
- Scatterplot
- Histogram and bar charts
- Multiple plots and custom layouts
- Intro to stringr
- Sentences, punctuations, strings
- Writing effective functions
- Debugging techniques
- Error handling
- Understanding apply
- Introduction to Statistical Analyses
- Central Limit Theorem
- Correlation
- Measures of Central Tendency and Dispersion
- Introduction to t-tests
- What is ANOVA
- ANOVA - Hand computation
- Intro to ggplot2
- Confidence interval shading
- Multiplot with facets
- Getting started with dplyr pipes
- Data manipulation verbs
- Types of joins in dplyr
- Overview of Linear Regression
- Statistical modeling vs machine learning
- Linear regression from scratch using formula
- Building and interpreting linear regression models
- Pre-model analysis
- Overview of Gradient Descent
- Stopping criteria and scaling
- What is logistic regression
- One vs rest strategy
- Why negative log loss
- What is Caret, missing value treatment
- Building ML with train function
- Customize Hyper Parameter Search